<Naypam> I wish they'd tax sugar <Naypam> I fucking wish <Naypam> and have a minimum legal age like cigarettes <Naypam> it's utterly ludicrous getting everybody fed and hooked on sugar <Naypam> then fat and dying <Naypam> and costing money because of health bills <Naypam> with no extra tax to cover that like there is with alcohol and tobacco * Naypam rage <Naypam> any time you bring up "tax sugar" fat fucks cry about opression <Naypam> "I need freedom to be fat, don't stop me" <Naypam> fuc you <Naypam> cunts <Naypam> good example, Laiz shouldn't be allowed to buy food <Naypam> should only be given salad <Laiz> wtf fuck <Naypam> you should have to carry a BMI sticker around <Naypam> and if it's > 25 you don't get sugar <Naypam> only salad <Naypam> salad and water <lovely> ... <Naypam> anyway I'm-a move to spain where nobody can afford food