<Raziel> Erm <Raziel> So <Raziel> There's gotta be a first time for everything in life right <Naypam> please Raziel <Naypam> continue <moop> oh boy Raziel <moop> just had gay sex the poor lad <Naypam> I know rite moop <Naypam> glad our minds went to the same place <Raziel> Including having an irresistible shit while you're biking home to your hotel <moop> oh boy <moop> that's no fun Raziel <moop> what did you do <Raziel> Like diarrhea level shit <Naypam> I guess that riding the bike <Naypam> would open your arse a bit <moop> did you reach the hotel? <Raziel> Yes I just finished showering <Bad> Lmao Raziel you moron <Raziel> Showering me and my clothes... <Raziel> :-( <moop> aw :( <moop> but, like, were there casualties Raziel <Raziel> I don't know <moop> well now you have a story Raziel <Raziel> I even went to the toilet before leaving <moop> means you ate something bad <Raziel> No shits were had then <Raziel> At least i could move fast on a mostly empty bike road <Raziel> And run up to my hotel room <Raziel> This was a huge amount <Raziel> Like <Raziel> I don't even want to describe <Raziel> Seafood + alcohol <Raziel> Not good for me <Raziel> But i swear i went on the toilet just before leaving! <Raziel> I took every precaution :-( <Naypam> rofl Raziel <Naypam> poor <ad13> hah, disaster <Valacar> wait so this was Raziel's first time he shat outdoors? <Raziel> I've shat outdoors before valacar <Raziel> But usually i pull down my pants and squat first <Valacar> oh wait you shat on the move? <moop> ya Raziel <moop> why didn't you stop the explosive diarrhea <moop> just find a cork <moop> ez <moop> ok that's too mean <moop> i'm sorry Raziel <moop> cheer up, it's all over now <Valacar> pls moop it's too late for moopsies <ad13> haha, good show though <Raziel> I was on the bike, suddenly shit, panicked, biked back to hotel as fast as I could, ran to my room and showered while taking my clothes off <moop> poor bike <Valacar> the critical question that begs for an answer is the volume of shit that got out <Raziel> Did you expect me to measure the volume? <ad13> well, feel free to use a freeform scale <Raziel> My shirt got stained, that should tell you enough <ad13> roflllllllllllllllll HOW? HOW??? <Valacar> so thats quite bad <Raziel> I dunno man <Raziel> Squeezed upwards by the bike seat?