<Naypam> terraform show | grep SSH -B8 <Naypam> lul -B8 <Naypam> bate <Naypam> masturbate <Naypam> also I meant -A <Naypam> fucking always mix up -A and -B <Naypam> never -C tho <gojira> devops <Raziel> how do you mix those up <Raziel> A for after <Raziel> B for before <Raziel> ?????? <gojira> after 8? <Naypam> my mind went A comes before B so A shows prior lines <moop> alias A='B' imo <Naypam> not this retarded "A for After" bullshit like wtf <Naypam> who remembers this <Naypam> C for "before and after" amirite <Naypam> C for combined (ambiguous, see -A/B) <gojira> the fuck are you on about <Naypam> you know what <Naypam> fuck you <Naypam> suck my dick