<Naypam> I have more sperm than you BFD|Slave <zid> in your mouth <Naypam> I wish <zid> wut <zid> as in, "wut a faggot" <Naypam> I occasionally eat my own sperm <zid> I did it once <zid> it was a bad idea <zid> It had a poor texture <Naypam> yeah the texture is pretty bad <Naypam> doesn't taste bad though <Naypam> funny after taste too <Naypam> but it saves wiping it with a sock or something <zid> I use discarded crisp packets / coke cans when I am being lazy <Naypam> yeah that's fine <Naypam> usually just use disgarded underwear these days! <Naypam> used to just wipe with my bed sheet <zid> not a box? <Naypam> but if girls stay over I'd rather them not sleep in ancient cum stains <Naypam> well I wouldn't mind <Naypam> but they might <lovely> wat