<Juno> WHERES LGD.INT <Juno> THEY #1 <haiku> lost to DK yesterday <haiku> fucking DK <Raziel> where's LGD.string <Raziel> and LGD.bool <haiku> hurrrr <haiku> raziel, basically LGD has 2 teams, lgd international and lgd china. they're currently playing in the g-league tournament, which is an asian tournament <Raziel> I know <haiku> IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU TAKE AN INTEREST IN DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <haiku> RAZIEL DOESNT HAVE DOTO <haiku> T_T <Raziel> that's right <Laiz> I got extra ones! <Raziel> I'm no dotafag <Raziel> don't want <haiku> sent! <Raziel> rofl <Raziel> not accepting! <haiku> MY LAST INVITE RAZIEL <haiku> I GAVE IT TO YOU <haiku> BECAUSE I'M NICE LIKE THAT <haiku> and want to encourage your newfound interest <Laiz> sent <Raziel> facepalm [ later that day ] <haiku> raziel wanna play dota? <Raziel> no <haiku> kay maybe later then <nonpc> fuck thi <nonpc> s <Laiz> Raziel wanna play doto? <haiku> he said later <Raziel> never! <haiku> yo raziel just keep in mind laiz can't stay very late <Laiz> yeah <haiku> neways, just let us know when you're ready