Showing #501-550 out of 580 quotes
<Naypam> suck <Naypam> my <Naypam> duck
<Raziel> many brazilian shemales are pretty hot tbh
<ad13> I love that feeling of realising "urgh, this is going to hurt like fuck", then it gets over the threshold and you're just like me gusta <BadFurDay> I don't. <nonpc> Yeah <nonpc> I LOVE pooping <nonpc> Like <nonpc> that stretching stretchy stretch <nonpc> oh yeah
<Raziel> I've got no problems with shemales
<Raziel> specialtaktiks <how-hiGh> greek =( <nonpc> wut <how-hiGh> oh specialtaktiks is two english words lol, i thought it's last name HAHAHA
<Raziel> you don't want this to be a sc2 channel? <how-hiGh> It's more like worlwide trolls congress or something similar
* Naypam blows bubbles in the shit
<Raziel> http://www.screddit.eu/bash.php?429 <Raziel> immortalized! <nonpc> nu wtf <nonpc> nuuuu <nonpc> wtffffff <nonpc> jesus. <nonpc> that's not even funny <nonpc> ok <nonpc> my mom will shave my head now <nonpc> gg <BadFurDay> wat <nonpc> I SAID GG
<nonpc> shit <nonpc> I need to take a bath <nonpc> in 8 mintues <nonpc> fuck fuck fuck <Naypam> :o <Raziel> shower instead <Raziel> problem fixed <nonpc> Raziel, naw <nonpc> my fingernails are very dirty <nonpc> I need very warm water to put them in <nonpc> :| <Raziel> rofl <BadFurDay> this is <BadFurDay> the worst excuse ever <nonpc> no, seriously <nonpc> I couldnt wash them <nonpc> fucking bicycle
<Naypam> fuck this <Naypam> I am so mad right now [ Five minutes later ] <Naypam> never been mad bro
<kage> the most annoying thing is that you always said it at the wrong time <Naypam> wtf kage <Naypam> no I did not <kage> was like <kage> 15:37 Naypam: 13:37 <kage> wut <kage> that doesn't even make sense bro <Naypam> yeah but that's because you have a russian time zone <Naypam> move from siberia imo
<BadFurDay> Garner: you just made me realize that penises don't have a distinctive sound <BadFurDay> There's no sound you hear and go like "ah that's a penis" <BadFurDay> other than fap/intercourse sounds <BadFurDay> It's sad. <Garner> Yeah it is :(
<lovely> Ni**as In Paris (Explicit) <lovely> Lol wat. <lovely> If it's explicit, why censor the title.
<Razie> People watch mlg <Ragiel> ql sucks, sc2 is awesome <Ragiel> dota is awesome <Razie> terran op <Ragiel> trackmania sucks <Raziel2p> I paly league now. <Ragiel> i quit chess <Razie> nerf terran
<BadFurDay> lovely: wellborg: I just realized israel and argentina have the same flag <lovely> BadFurDay: get the fuck out <BadFurDay> Fact bro, fact <lovely> they both have 2 blue bands <lovely> omg <lovely> however <wellborg> 1. no it's not <lovely> israel is <lovely> white blue white with star blue white <lovely> argentina is <lovely> blue white with cinco de mayo blue <lovely> hey <lovely> argentina is like #1 antisemitist <wellborg> 2. fyi once in a point of time the zionists really considered to place israel in uganda <wellborg> just fyi <BadFurDay> http://i.imgur.com/724m9.jpg <BadFurDay> TROLED <BadFurDay> HARD <Naypam> oh my g <Naypam> BadFurDay master troll <Naypam> got wellborg and lovely <Naypam> 10/10
<Juno> its not racist if its against pakis <Juno> fuck pakis
* Marco__ has joined #redditeu <Marco__> hello world <Raziel> o_o <Juno> POLO <Marco__> i found you <Raziel> did you now <Raziel> and who would you be <Marco__> sure did <nonpc> Marco__, touch his private parts now
<ad13> lovely: the blackouts are because japan shat itself at fukushima, and turned ALL nuclear power off <ad13> it's not coming back on. <Naypam> there's a black out? <Naypam> nigger! run!
<Naypam> I was reading that askreddit thread the other day <Naypam> people had masturbated to inanimate objects :( <Naypam> I've not done that :( <Naypam> I feel left out <Naypam> like a chair <Naypam> or a desk <Naypam> :'(
<kage> guys <kage> if you were so morbidly fat <kage> that you couldn't even jack off yourself <kage> would you buy a pet and have it suck your dick ? <kage> food for thought
<lovely> tupac is the illest <nonpc> he was not ill <nonpc> he was shot <nonpc> I think. <nonpc> was he?
<lovely> Raziel: Guess what I tested today. <Raziel> programming in visual basic <lovely> No. <lovely> If my phone is waterproof. <Raziel> did you test it on purpose? <lovely> More a spur of the moment thing. <Raziel> I take that as a no <Raziel> so <Raziel> what was the test result? <lovely> It's not waterproof. <Raziel> interesting <lovely> Yeah.
<Fogge> Last Christmas we gave the norwegian dude in our master's class a pound of butter to bring home over christmas <Fogge> Kid almost started crying
<Naypam> being gay would be so awesome :(
<Naypam> why is that in the db <Naypam> stop submitting everything I say <Naypam> I'm anonymous
<kage> PvZ just stupid <kage> oh <kage> i'll just make roach/infestor/bl <kage> gg <BadFurDay> kage: called it <BadFurDay> [14:31] <kage> i'ma go play dota2 <BadFurDay> [14:31] <kage> and then some sc2 <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> k, so it's 16:31 <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> I'll check irc around 16:00 <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> to laugh at your balance whine and rage <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> popcorn.gif <BadFurDay> you're 15 minutes late though <BadFurDay> but called it anyway :D
<kage> the 12 is good, peaty <kage> nice blend <kage> the 15 is worse than the 12 at twice the price <kage> never tasted the 18 <Bad> kage confessed pedo
<nonpc> hey, dux0r!!! <nonpc> show your penis <dux0r> hey nonpc <dux0r> show vocabulary and intellect <nonpc> okay! <nonpc> deal! <wellborg> nonpc: fast, say something clever <nonpc> errrr <nonpc> I like trains
<nonpc> Raziel, you can buy me <nonpc> I will play games with you <lively> yeah raziel <nonpc> and I will be shit at them so <lively> you should buy a slave <nonpc> you feel good about yourself <Raziel> haha <lively> he can clean the house <lively> suck dicks <nonpc> yea <lively> etc <nonpc> easy <lively> and you don't have to buy a bidet <lively> since you'll have nonpc
<kage> another pvp another win <kage> this one was quite close though <kage> closer than i wanted <BadFurDay> sounds very gay * BadFurDay puts his dick closer to kage than he'd want to <Raziel> lol <Raziel> I'm imagining BadFurDay finding his compass, google maps, finding out which direction romania is, moving his chair slightly in that direction and sticking his crotch out <BadFurDay> Raziel: I know which direction romania is and I already did
<Juno> the bash quotes thing sucks anyway <Juno> no good ones
< Malice^> micropenis? where? < Malice^> GET IT
< BadFurDay> need a girl who can drive the wheel < BadFurDay> hair allows for some proper grip < BadFurDay> best if she has chest hair too, so she doesn't slide during sex < BadFurDay> and a moustache so she doesn't fall away when kissed
<zid> I played a BW game against vequeth and lost <zid> he did a bullshit strat <zid> where he knows what his buildings do
<Raziel> why would you want to ladder
<fabe> yeah but i would go insane as a parent if people just started searching for the body <wellborg> fabe: isnt the statistic on kidnapped people is that they die pretty soon after the fact? <fabe> i have no idea wellborg <fabe> dux0r do you kill your victims quickly? <dux0r> I like to freeze my poop n stab em with it then wait a week to see if they get infected
<Naypam> have had multiple relationships of VARYING degrees of severity! <Naypam> virgin deaths, 2 year relationship, gay <Naypam> EVERYTHING <Naypam> I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING <Naypam> and only 22 <BadFurDay> gay <BadFurDay> wat <Naypam> I done a bit of gay
<Naypam> hey zid you little fucker you owe me money for escorting you!
<nonpc> No, dude, I'm not that tech impaired ;)
<nonpc> Do I have to reinstall Windows if I add ram?
<BFD|Slave> When you're having a drink outside <BFD|Slave> And a wasp gets into your drink <BFD|Slave> And starts acting mad <BFD|Slave> omg <BFD|Slave> OMG <BFD|Slave> Your drink is RUINED <BFD|Slave> And you're scared shitless that it'll come out and sting the first thing it sees <BFD|Slave> But everyone else is all "yeah okay it's just an insect, chill man" <BFD|Slave> But it's a FUCKING WASP YOU CUNTS
<zid> Like, I'd rather have a lion bar than sex, most of the time
<Naypam> so right <Naypam> I was with dunkyp <Naypam> rumboald on chess.com <Naypam> at his flat warming <Naypam> I got really drunk <Naypam> like we played this card game <Naypam> and I filled a pint glass with 50/50 vodka <Naypam> after already drinking a 35cl to myself <Naypam> so I finished most of a 70cl of vodka MORE <Naypam> and then gotten dressed. <Naypam> went to the toilet <Naypam> took off ALL of my clothes <Naypam> and started masturbating apparently <Naypam> I don't really remember <Naypam> my friends had to break down the bathroom door <Naypam> and they found me naked masturbating <Happy0> lmao.. good god :|
<nonpc> if my penis is crooked upwards, it's good, ye? <Naypam> pretty normal nonpc <nonpc> but is good for g sport <nonpc> spot* <nonpc> right? <Naypam> most bend up a little bit <Naypam> if it is at a right angle you have a problem <nonpc> is like <nonpc> 90 <nonpc> degrees <Naypam> yeah that's a right angle <Naypam> _| <BadFurDay> wtf <BadFurDay> why am I reading about nonpc's dick <nonpc> it's like.. <nonpc> errr <Naypam> zid posted his yesterday <nonpc> lemme paint it <Naypam> :D <Naypam> yay painting <BadFurDay> fucking hell <Naypam> Raziel hates this though, beware nonpc <BadFurDay> this channel <BadFurDay> this place <BadFurDay> #fags <Naypam> he banned zid for posting a pic of his own penis <BadFurDay> fucking #fagseu <nonpc> |-| <nonpc> 8=====|_| <nonpc> like this <nonpc> penis <Naypam> wtf is that <BadFurDay> what the hell <BadFurDay> it looks like a crack pipe <nonpc> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Q9isnTKq <BadFurDay> with balls <nonpc> 90 degreess crooked <BadFurDay> a crack pipe with balls, nonpc <Naypam> what <BadFurDay> your penis exhales weed <Naypam> is tha <BadFurDay> Naypam: a crack pipe with balls in ascii format <Naypam> that's actually where you put the crack <Naypam> on the right <BadFurDay> yes <Naypam> the the 8 idk <BadFurDay> you use the balls to smoke <Naypam> random 8 <BadFurDay> you teabag yourself <BadFurDay> to smoke the crack <nonpc> so anyways <nonpc> how is your sundays guys?
<kage> i'd honestly just have a rib removed so i could suck my own cock, if my hands stopped working
<Raziel> Naypam lately reminds me of when I was a kid, I would tell people on the internet I was older than I actually was and always tell people about my imaginary sex life so they'd think I was cool
<lively> fuck this <lively> also <lively> i wrote <lively> proze i think its called [...] <lively> somtimes seoul, sometimes bali, sometimes amsterdam, sometimes high, drunk, sometimes party starting on monday, sometimes nothing. this is the life, and i know that this is the life, and i dont know how long itll last, but as long as it is, i enjoy it every day, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, sometimes scared, sometimes sorrow, sometimes nothing at all. if its over tomorrow and nothing is left, then i can say i have lived, and that ive forgotten more <lively> see <lively> when im on pills <lively> i can write <lively> like really well
* BadFurDay has joined #redditeu <BadFurDay> god damn <BadFurDay> I need anger management courses <BadFurDay> there was a trio of little fucks in the bus who were talking about skiddy shit <BadFurDay> gloating about how they were pissing off their teachers by giving their homework in password protected tar.gz <BadFurDay> gloating about how they could crack the passes of their school's computers in 20 seconds <BadFurDay> and making plans about how they'd best piss off their teachers next <BadFurDay> of note: "tar.gz is like, the best troll, because you can like, only open it on linux" <BadFurDay> I exploded at the little fucks and put them back in place <BadFurDay> they looked all ruined and mad <BadFurDay> but then people in the bus got even madder <BadFurDay> and asked me to step out <BadFurDay> had to walk home ffs
<Naypam> I'd fuck raziel if I had to <Naypam> he looks okay
Showing #501-550 out of 580 quotes