Showing #51-100 out of 580 quotes
<moop> fuck i hate eye checkups <moop> they put these drops that make your shit wider <Valacar> eye drops makes your shit wider? <Valacar> i don't think you applying it correctly tbh <Valacar> you are*
<__bot__> Quote pending approval! https://qdb.lutro.me/738 <__bot__> Quote pending approval! https://qdb.lutro.me/739 <__bot__> Quote pending approval! https://qdb.lutro.me/740 <mooper> sorry i kept fucking up
<fgarnier_> anyway need to go out before ida arrives <fgarnier_> buy some flower, and other surprise shit <fgarnier_> like ice cream etc <Raziel> do surprise shit in toilet pls <fgarnier_> what is surprise shit in toilet <Raziel> surprise shit belongs in the toilet <fgarnier_> it’s ok i don’t need to shit <Raziel> that's what you think <Raziel> that's why it's surpise shit [ 10 minutes later ] <fgarnier_> FUCK YOU raziel <fgarnier_> i have to shit. how did you predict this <Raziel> surprise shit :)))
<moop> 16:54 <Bad> Hmmm this hotel looks nice but it's in Lampedusa <moop> lampedusa is a funny name <moop> lumped usa <moop> lampy dusa <Valacar> it is always interesting to get some insight on how the wonderous mind of moop work
<Bad> Walking after 30m running on a treadmill <Bad> Walked into a wall <Bad> Hurt my dick <Bad> Sigh
<moop> you don't add TRANSFORMERS in the title <moop> and don't mention TRANSFORMERS <moop> and pretend it's just a cute robot <moop> like that robot that got hit by lightning and became alive <moop> or the giant robot <moop> or ET
<moop> 10:03 <Bad> Tbh the saddest thing is he outlived Naypam. He really seemed to want to see tb die. For petty reasons. <moop> haha thought about it too
<Bad> moop: what the FUCK is a extuessl <Bad> For real wtf <moop> Bad: it's my mail <Bad> wtf does it mean <moop> wanted to get anton but it was taken <Raziel> anton is taken? dammit <Raziel> extuessl next best option <Raziel> ?????????? <moop> tbh the real story behind extuessl is it was the kaptcha that i got after trying like 20 different account names <moop> was like eh fuck it <moop> tbh all my tries were anton0-19
<Valacar> Phixion gets a "good morning" and all i get is "fuck off Valacar"... i liked the world more when germans were the mortal enemies of france -!- Valacar has quit [Signed off]
<Bad> mfw also tired from late night sup fgarnier bro <Bad> Except it's because I woke myself up in the middle of the night by farting somehow <Bad> And couldn't fall back to sleep <Bad> Failure level high
13:37 <Bad> 1337 13:38 <Raziel> 1337 13:38 <Raziel> NO
<Bad> The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass <Bad> Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BC <Bad> Seriously english did you need to call donkeys asses <Bad> The Muscat or Yemen ass was developed in Arabia. Greeks spread both of these
<Raziel> oh no <Raziel> I forgot to buy butter <moop> quick, notify the media <moop> butter shortage localized entirely in your home <moop> and nobody can see it <Raziel> frying onions in olive oil just isn't the same <moop> i thought olive oil isn't made for frying
<rian> who wants to bed the nore will show up in a bit <rian> being all like 'omg i drank too much' <rian> ? <moop> pretty sure it'll happen <Raziel> wew <Raziel> sup <Raziel> hello? <moop> so how dead are you Raziel <moop> pls respond <Raziel> not at all <Raziel> only 3 beers [... the next day...] <Raziel> oh lawd <Raziel> I only had 3 beers but due to no real dinner yesterday I feel hungover anyway
<Bad> Hm I wonder how rich the guy who created Akamai is <Bad> >died in 9/11 <Bad> lol
<Raziel> mad <Raziel> I've lost my sunglasses <rian> you seem to lose a lot of things when you drink <rian> gloves, sunglasses <rian> what else? <Valacar> decency
<Bad> Just had a once in a lifetime experience <Bad> Taking a shit during a hiccup <Bad> It's so funny <Bad> Every hiccup makes a bit of shit plop down in the water
<Raziel> in b4 amnesia <garne> amensia <garne> amensia <garne> omfg <garne> amnesia
<ad13> speaking of tinder, piratebay is down and I want some std
<Raziel> memes never die <moop> Even :b:enis isn’t funny anymore <Bad> 🅱️oob <moop> 🅱️enis <ad13> 🅱️ peppers are the worst <ad13> fuck i deleted the ell when I pasted :(
<garne> gf keeps linking me to ysl stuff <garne> ok.png <moop> ysl stuff? <Valacar> ysl? <Raziel> ysl? <garne> ya <garne> actually want to buy now <garne> looks nice <garne> but won't tell her
<moop> Bad: so did you meet Raziel? did he arrive? <Wan> nah he's still stuck in belgium <moop> dang <moop> poor belgium <Wan> are you implying that having Raziel in one's country is a setback for said country? <moop> oh, belgium is a country? <moop> i thought it was a blokes name
* Wan set the topic to: The S in intel stands for Security * Raziel set the topic to: the s in moop stands for sex <gojira> what's better <gojira> linux or windows? <Raziel> windows has an "s" in it <Raziel> so it's secure <Raziel> QED
<moop> wait <moop> hold up <moop> my name is a lie <moop> Anton, mythological son of Hercules created by Mark Antony, and from whom he claimed descent <Raziel> lol <Bad> lmao <Bad> helllll no nigga <Bad> Heracles could walk
<ad13> it's like... 1945 on a friday night, and someone put something through my door [ 5 minutes later ] <gojira> can we please get clarity <gojira> what did they put through your door ad13 <ad13> i've not had a look yet [ 15 minutes later ] <ad13> sorry, was distracted <ad13> it's the yellow pages
<Bad> moop: The Night Before (2015) <Bad> You might enjoy that movie <Bad> Just don't get fooled by the boring beginning <Bad> Also moop it has jokes about judaism <Bad> In a good way <Bad> So you pretty much must watch it now <moop> it's in dl <moop> wait nvm <moop> accidentally was downloading the nightmare before christmas
<ad13> tomorrow i test drive a tesla model s <ad13> :o <moop> why, they need a dummy? <moop> ayyy <moop> you walked right into that ⇐ ad13 quit: Leaving
<Bad> Fuck <Bad> Didn't shake last drip properly <Bad> And I'm wearing jogging trousers <Bad> Both my legs are basically made of pee right now <Bad> Worst feeling <Naypam> > "[u'239.423.245.50'] <Naypam> 🤔 <Bad> Indeed Naypam <Bad> My story is about I pee <Naypam> 1p < 2p <Bad> Raziel > me ? <Naypam> tho 5p < all <Naypam> those shitty small 5p coins <Naypam> all coins should be gigantic <Phixion> yeah like megabytecoin <Phixion> you gotta have a massive last drop Bad <Bad> Phixion: I was in a hurry <Bad> Regrets are made <Phixion> rush back to irc? <Phixion> missed a hilight?
<ad13> just logged in to my email at work <ad13> some guy has accidentally replied to his manager-level "Bottom performing employees" email <ad13> and sent it to the all-employees internal mailing list
<moop> https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/AllOptimisticFlamingo <Bad> fuck is this moop <moop> who knows <ad13> man if I had a coworker like this guy <ad13> he'd get fired so quick :D <Bad> wut <moop> why would he get fired <moop> or like <moop> he gets mad pretty quick <ad13> I'm catching up on mr. robot <ad13> the co-worker that keeps being a bro <ad13> my boss is super feminist and hates guys like that:D <moop> oh u
[ Raziel starts a game named "Empires Apart" on Steam ] Valacar: do you need clue? Raziel: what? Valacar: well your empires are apart Valacar: h0h0h00h0h0h0h0h0h Raziel: you mean glue? Valacar: of fuck Valacar: nvm Valacar: this conversation never happened
<how-high> do we have gingers here? <how-high> rumoured that they have pink buttholes <how-high> and then came sudden realization that I am 26 year old and still have no idea what color my anus is
<Phixion> ssh <moop> don't you shush me <Phixion> :) <how-high> LOL <how-high> haha <how-high> gonna steal your joke moop <how-high> if you do not mind
<Raziel> what the fucking shit <Raziel> `import pip` fails from bpython but not in a plain .py file <Raziel> rage <Wan> :b:python <Wan> 🅱️ <Wan> wait for it <Wan> :b:python <Wan> hmm <Wan> 😂😂 <Wan> 🅱️🅱️ <Wan> 🅱️ python <Wan> 🅱️ ython
<ad13> love watching the rugby on bbc alba <ad13> penis for everyone
<Bad> The last 5 minutes of IRC are the most ad13 <Bad> Needs just a few more acronyms <Raziel> omg mind blown <Raziel> ad is also an abbreviation <Raziel> I knew this all along but never saw the connection until now <gojira> well... yea <gojira> and naypam means no diazepam <ad13> rofl <Raziel> hahaha <gojira> like <gojira> how do you not know these things
<Naypam> fuck me in theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tamborineeeeeeeeeeeee awwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeahh
<Bad> Naypam if a USB has a driver <Bad> Do you travel on a USB <Bad> Or in a USB ? <ad13> Bad: it has a driver because it's a bus <ad13> duh
<Naypam> terraform show | grep SSH -B8 <Naypam> lul -B8 <Naypam> bate <Naypam> masturbate <Naypam> also I meant -A <Naypam> fucking always mix up -A and -B <Naypam> never -C tho <gojira> devops <Raziel> how do you mix those up <Raziel> A for after <Raziel> B for before <Raziel> ?????? <gojira> after 8? <Naypam> my mind went A comes before B so A shows prior lines <moop> alias A='B' imo <Naypam> not this retarded "A for After" bullshit like wtf <Naypam> who remembers this <Naypam> C for "before and after" amirite <Naypam> C for combined (ambiguous, see -A/B) <gojira> the fuck are you on about <Naypam> you know what <Naypam> fuck you <Naypam> suck my dick
<Bad> >implying there is a too far regarding sex <Naypam> kinda true Bad but then there's things like mdma sex where you never cum <Bad> yeah drugs is the too far there
<Naypam> I once got a reacharound from a gay but I didn't get hard so it didn't work <Naypam> part of the bits of gay I've done <Naypam> ate someone's smegma too but that's another story
<Naypalm> I just wanna cum <Naypalm> awwww yeeah <Naypalm> god damn <Naypalm> allllll nighhttttt <Naypalm> alllllll nayyyyyyyyytttttttttyyyyyy <Naypalm> nay is in everything <Naypalm> grr <Naypalm> argh
<garne> i did not miss staines <garne> or colleagues <garne> except one, he cool <garne> and a few others
<Raziel> fortnite seems like a better version of pubg <Raziel> moop mad? <Valacar> with what experience you are claiming that :D <Raziel> 2 minutes of stream watching <Valacar> java does seem like a better version of python
<Naypam> so I got a new laptop <Naypam> two very wrong things about it <ad13> another one? :D <Raziel> lol <Naypam> 1. dvorak and the US layout, it has those gay keys, it means I can't type the pipe symbol <Naypam> going to have to hack that <Naypam> 2. it has HotS motifs all over it <Naypam> not sure which is worse
<Raziel> you don't know true uphills until you've stood on the... what do you call the escalators without steps? from the schiphol train station <gojira> stairs...
<Raziel> I started taking beer today <Bad> Raziel: this usage of « taking » makes it sound like a hard drug <Bad> like you injected beer in your veins with a syringe <Raziel> well it is isn't it <Bad> or sniffed beer <Bad> Yeah it is a hard drug <Bad> But I mean <Raziel> I took it orally <Bad> name of your sextape
<garne> seriously though i will miss my colleague <garne> took a picture of us having a beer <garne> https://i.imgur.com/BEPN9pK.png <garne> sad times <Raziel> I RECOGNIZE THAT URL <Raziel> NOT FALLING FOR IT <Raziel> CUNT <garne> rofl <garne> hahahahahahaahaha <moop> :D <Raziel> I'm fucking traumatized <garne> :D:D:DDDDD
<moop> fuck qdb <moop> rewatching a designated survivor scene for the third time because i was too busy reading qdb <moop> and rofling
<Bad> truest lines of 2017 <Bad> 22:35:21 <Raziel> I'm retarded <Raziel> lines? <Raziel> that's just 1 line
Showing #51-100 out of 580 quotes