Showing #51-100 out of 580 quotes
<nonpc> Raziel, you can buy me <nonpc> I will play games with you <lively> yeah raziel <nonpc> and I will be shit at them so <lively> you should buy a slave <nonpc> you feel good about yourself <Raziel> haha <lively> he can clean the house <lively> suck dicks <nonpc> yea <lively> etc <nonpc> easy <lively> and you don't have to buy a bidet <lively> since you'll have nonpc
<nonpc> hey, dux0r!!! <nonpc> show your penis <dux0r> hey nonpc <dux0r> show vocabulary and intellect <nonpc> okay! <nonpc> deal! <wellborg> nonpc: fast, say something clever <nonpc> errrr <nonpc> I like trains
<kage> the 12 is good, peaty <kage> nice blend <kage> the 15 is worse than the 12 at twice the price <kage> never tasted the 18 <Bad> kage confessed pedo
<kage> PvZ just stupid <kage> oh <kage> i'll just make roach/infestor/bl <kage> gg <BadFurDay> kage: called it <BadFurDay> [14:31] <kage> i'ma go play dota2 <BadFurDay> [14:31] <kage> and then some sc2 <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> k, so it's 16:31 <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> I'll check irc around 16:00 <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> to laugh at your balance whine and rage <BadFurDay> [14:32] <BadFurDay> popcorn.gif <BadFurDay> you're 15 minutes late though <BadFurDay> but called it anyway :D
<Naypam> why is that in the db <Naypam> stop submitting everything I say <Naypam> I'm anonymous
<Naypam> being gay would be so awesome :(
<Fogge> Last Christmas we gave the norwegian dude in our master's class a pound of butter to bring home over christmas <Fogge> Kid almost started crying
<lovely> Raziel: Guess what I tested today. <Raziel> programming in visual basic <lovely> No. <lovely> If my phone is waterproof. <Raziel> did you test it on purpose? <lovely> More a spur of the moment thing. <Raziel> I take that as a no <Raziel> so <Raziel> what was the test result? <lovely> It's not waterproof. <Raziel> interesting <lovely> Yeah.
<lovely> tupac is the illest <nonpc> he was not ill <nonpc> he was shot <nonpc> I think. <nonpc> was he?
<kage> guys <kage> if you were so morbidly fat <kage> that you couldn't even jack off yourself <kage> would you buy a pet and have it suck your dick ? <kage> food for thought
<Naypam> I was reading that askreddit thread the other day <Naypam> people had masturbated to inanimate objects :( <Naypam> I've not done that :( <Naypam> I feel left out <Naypam> like a chair <Naypam> or a desk <Naypam> :'(
<ad13> lovely: the blackouts are because japan shat itself at fukushima, and turned ALL nuclear power off <ad13> it's not coming back on. <Naypam> there's a black out? <Naypam> nigger! run!
* Marco__ has joined #redditeu <Marco__> hello world <Raziel> o_o <Juno> POLO <Marco__> i found you <Raziel> did you now <Raziel> and who would you be <Marco__> sure did <nonpc> Marco__, touch his private parts now
<Juno> its not racist if its against pakis <Juno> fuck pakis
<BadFurDay> lovely: wellborg: I just realized israel and argentina have the same flag <lovely> BadFurDay: get the fuck out <BadFurDay> Fact bro, fact <lovely> they both have 2 blue bands <lovely> omg <lovely> however <wellborg> 1. no it's not <lovely> israel is <lovely> white blue white with star blue white <lovely> argentina is <lovely> blue white with cinco de mayo blue <lovely> hey <lovely> argentina is like #1 antisemitist <wellborg> 2. fyi once in a point of time the zionists really considered to place israel in uganda <wellborg> just fyi <BadFurDay> http://i.imgur.com/724m9.jpg <BadFurDay> TROLED <BadFurDay> HARD <Naypam> oh my g <Naypam> BadFurDay master troll <Naypam> got wellborg and lovely <Naypam> 10/10
<Razie> People watch mlg <Ragiel> ql sucks, sc2 is awesome <Ragiel> dota is awesome <Razie> terran op <Ragiel> trackmania sucks <Raziel2p> I paly league now. <Ragiel> i quit chess <Razie> nerf terran
<lovely> Ni**as In Paris (Explicit) <lovely> Lol wat. <lovely> If it's explicit, why censor the title.
<BadFurDay> Garner: you just made me realize that penises don't have a distinctive sound <BadFurDay> There's no sound you hear and go like "ah that's a penis" <BadFurDay> other than fap/intercourse sounds <BadFurDay> It's sad. <Garner> Yeah it is :(
<kage> the most annoying thing is that you always said it at the wrong time <Naypam> wtf kage <Naypam> no I did not <kage> was like <kage> 15:37 Naypam: 13:37 <kage> wut <kage> that doesn't even make sense bro <Naypam> yeah but that's because you have a russian time zone <Naypam> move from siberia imo
<Naypam> fuck this <Naypam> I am so mad right now [ Five minutes later ] <Naypam> never been mad bro
<nonpc> shit <nonpc> I need to take a bath <nonpc> in 8 mintues <nonpc> fuck fuck fuck <Naypam> :o <Raziel> shower instead <Raziel> problem fixed <nonpc> Raziel, naw <nonpc> my fingernails are very dirty <nonpc> I need very warm water to put them in <nonpc> :| <Raziel> rofl <BadFurDay> this is <BadFurDay> the worst excuse ever <nonpc> no, seriously <nonpc> I couldnt wash them <nonpc> fucking bicycle
<Raziel> http://www.screddit.eu/bash.php?429 <Raziel> immortalized! <nonpc> nu wtf <nonpc> nuuuu <nonpc> wtffffff <nonpc> jesus. <nonpc> that's not even funny <nonpc> ok <nonpc> my mom will shave my head now <nonpc> gg <BadFurDay> wat <nonpc> I SAID GG
* Naypam blows bubbles in the shit
<Raziel> you don't want this to be a sc2 channel? <how-hiGh> It's more like worlwide trolls congress or something similar
<Raziel> specialtaktiks <how-hiGh> greek =( <nonpc> wut <how-hiGh> oh specialtaktiks is two english words lol, i thought it's last name HAHAHA
<Raziel> I've got no problems with shemales
<ad13> I love that feeling of realising "urgh, this is going to hurt like fuck", then it gets over the threshold and you're just like me gusta <BadFurDay> I don't. <nonpc> Yeah <nonpc> I LOVE pooping <nonpc> Like <nonpc> that stretching stretchy stretch <nonpc> oh yeah
<Raziel> many brazilian shemales are pretty hot tbh
<Naypam> suck <Naypam> my <Naypam> duck
<kage_> a black child molestor <kage_> what <zid> who'd molest a black child, that's gross
<Naypam> it's harder to cum through prostate stimulation! <Naypam> why do I say these things :( <Naypam> evil #redditeu making me say things I don't want to say
<Naypam> I have more sperm than you BFD|Slave <zid> in your mouth <Naypam> I wish <zid> wut <zid> as in, "wut a faggot" <Naypam> I occasionally eat my own sperm <zid> I did it once <zid> it was a bad idea <zid> It had a poor texture <Naypam> yeah the texture is pretty bad <Naypam> doesn't taste bad though <Naypam> funny after taste too <Naypam> but it saves wiping it with a sock or something <zid> I use discarded crisp packets / coke cans when I am being lazy <Naypam> yeah that's fine <Naypam> usually just use disgarded underwear these days! <Naypam> used to just wipe with my bed sheet <zid> not a box? <Naypam> but if girls stay over I'd rather them not sleep in ancient cum stains <Naypam> well I wouldn't mind <Naypam> but they might <lovely> wat
<zid> money, in norway, much like salmon, just leaps out at you and lands in your boat
< dux0r> the fuck is wrong with you people wat
< kage> i masturbated in the sink in my highschool's info lab a few times < kage> started to smell really bad ... < kage> the funniest thing is < kage> everyone was fucking smelling my cum < kage> but had no idea what it waas
< Naypalm> I actually camee on the floor on monday < Naypalm> people walk through that now < Naypalm> it's a good mark
<Naypalm> I've had gay things in my ass too just didn't enjoy it!
<Naypalm> used my ex gf's dildo too <BFD|Slave> Why would you dildo your ass Naypalm <BFD|Slave> Why <Naypalm> wondered what it was like <Naypalm> it was all pink and squishy <BFD|Slave> And what was it like? <Naypalm> pretty shit
<nonpc> I would love to be in lovely :)
<zid> You tell that bitch, that in the ghetto, that washing non-color safe synthetics at 60C degress might cost you your life
<nonpc> Was at her place yesturday <nonpc> Damn, it is all like so fucking strange <nonpc> Em.. We just sat, drank some tea <nonpc> I stroked her hair, face <nonpc> and stuff <nonpc> it was pretty calm shit <nonpc> She almost showed me her underwear because it was all pink <nonpc> Later on, I checked out her underwear still. <nonpc> She decided to hide from me <nonpc> while I went to pee <nonpc> and then I found her <nonpc> and she was like <nonpc> "what are you doing" <nonpc> and I was like <nonpc> derp <nonpc> and checked out the underwear <nonpc> it was nice <nonpc> and cute <nonpc> Some times I would like turn her face to me <nonpc> and talk stuff <nonpc> and then say <nonpc> "dont worry, I'm not going to try and kiss you" <nonpc> so she feels better <nonpc> :D <Raziel> YOU would turn her head to you? <nonpc> yes <nonpc> force that <nonpc> It also btw <nonpc> came to that that <nonpc> she told me she woudnt like to be choked <nonpc> we tried it <nonpc> I had her in a head lock
<Naypalm> I paid for ccleaner
<dux0r> sometimes i lower my seat n pretend im a midget <kage> sometimes nay lowers his seat and pretends to be of normal height. <nonpc> *slowclap*
<wellborg> people just called me a retard on reddit <wellborg> and by people i mean some retard
<Juno> WHERES LGD.INT <Juno> THEY #1 <haiku> lost to DK yesterday <haiku> fucking DK <Raziel> where's LGD.string <Raziel> and LGD.bool <haiku> hurrrr <haiku> raziel, basically LGD has 2 teams, lgd international and lgd china. they're currently playing in the g-league tournament, which is an asian tournament <Raziel> I know <haiku> IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU TAKE AN INTEREST IN DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <Laiz> RAZIEL STREAMING DOTO <haiku> RAZIEL DOESNT HAVE DOTO <haiku> T_T <Raziel> that's right <Laiz> I got extra ones! <Raziel> I'm no dotafag <Raziel> don't want <haiku> sent! <Raziel> rofl <Raziel> not accepting! <haiku> MY LAST INVITE RAZIEL <haiku> I GAVE IT TO YOU <haiku> BECAUSE I'M NICE LIKE THAT <haiku> and want to encourage your newfound interest <Laiz> sent <Raziel> facepalm [ later that day ] <haiku> raziel wanna play dota? <Raziel> no <haiku> kay maybe later then <nonpc> fuck thi <nonpc> s <Laiz> Raziel wanna play doto? <haiku> he said later <Raziel> never! <haiku> yo raziel just keep in mind laiz can't stay very late <Laiz> yeah <haiku> neways, just let us know when you're ready
<Juno> so i'm talking to her 6 yr old daughter <zid> did you get her number?
<nonpc> Raziel <nonpc> can you ban me <Raziel> why <nonpc> Dunno, might study a bit <nonpc> omg <nonpc> Raziel <nonpc> fuck you <nonpc> ban me <nonpc> you fuckign cunt <Raziel> omg fine * Q setzt einen Bann auf nonpc!*@* * Q hat nonpc aus #redditeu gekickt (Banned.) <haiku> woo-hoo! non-pc free redditeu!
<Raziel> I just noticed the bags under my eyes in that picture <Raziel> sadface <BadFurDay> those are called ears Raziel
<Psycho_Holiday> http://www.techradar.com/reviews/audio-visual/hi-fi-and-audio/headphones/sennheiser-hd-518-954009/review <Psycho_Holiday> Against <Psycho_Holiday> No inline mic for iPhone users <Psycho_Holiday> Not great with low bit rate MP3s
Showing #51-100 out of 580 quotes